
October 31, 1939 Tuesday

October 31, 1939 Tuesday

Halloween and so what!?! It's pouring to beat the band outside so the costume parade had to be postponed (until next year I suppose). We went bowling tonight and I as usual played my customary rotten game! My scores were 56 ouch and 60 something now I'm not sure but I think it was 67. I'm rather disgusted my pretty cellophane umbrella has a huge hole in it. A woman jabbed the spokes of her umbrella through it I don't think she even knew she did it. Oh well what's an umbrella in my young life. Ginny wore her new red work dress with cork buttons today she looked adorable - Now to my bath and go to bed -


October 30, 1939 Monday

October 30, 1939 Monday

On the way home tonight it rained and rained hard! Of course not having a hat on little Ingrid got her head wet to say nothing of herself! Went up to see Annmarie who was supposed to be sick but I guess she had pretty well recovered at any rate she was playing hide and seek with Ruthie and Sophie. Junior was very glad to see me and showed me all his picture books well it seemed like all! He loves company and I love him the darling. I've been listening to Lux radio. Loretta Young and Miriam Hopkins in "The Old Maid" Not as good as the picture of course, but interesting --


October 29, 1939 Sunday

October 29, 1939 Sunday

The usual morning and then Ev called up to say Noa wasn't going driving with us but she hadn't called Ginny yet and maybe she would go. She told me Noa got a 17 jewel Bullava watch from Dick for her birthday and wasn't that nice. Noa called up and confirmed the report. After dinner Ginny, Ev, and I went riding. Fun! We stopped at Foglemarks for a Turkey dinner and then drove home. Got into NB about 6:45 and Ev left Ginny and I off downtown and we went to the movies and saw "Hollywood Cascade" with Alice Faye and Don Ameche, Alan Marshall - Very Good. Lawrence tried shaving today for first time and cut his lips and also scraped his cheeks and can't grow up soon enough.


October 28, 1939 Saturday

October 28, 1939 Saturday

I helped mom clean the house and etc. Decided to pay my insurance which of course leaves a big hole in my savings. Oh to be a millionaire -- Well thats that! Bill called and wanted a date tonight but I told him I'd be busy. Wish I were (but not with him). Met Ev and Noa in the movies and we saw Pat Lane and James Cagney in "The Roaring Twenties". Oh, Noa and I went shopping but I couldn't find a single dress I liked so I didn't get a thing. Home to supper and sat and read and finally so tired I went to bed. Marit's gone to a Halloween party. Hope she has a nice time.


October 27, 1939 Friday

October 27, 1939 Friday

Here we had our plans all made to go to the Avon Old Farms tonight and what happens?! There was such a dense fog out Ev was afraid to take the car so we had meeting at Noa's instead! Oh this is good. I came home to find Lawrence all alone fixing the Electric Clock. I warned him he shouldn't fuss with it and started to get ready to go out. I was in the bathroom washing when all of a sudden out go the lights and I am left in complete darkness! Lawrence had blown a fuse! I sent him after a couple and the two of us went down into the cellar and put in a new one - well he got the clock fixed anyway! Fun at meeting Noa and I set the table. *Just piled the food and everything else on great big spoons, huge knives, mixed cups, and saucers some fun --


October 26, 1939 Thursday

October 26, 1939 Thursday

I didn't feel very well this morning but I went to work however I stayed home in the afternoon. Sat in the big chair with a blanket wrapped securely around me and felt a lot better. Junior came down to see me and I had him on my lap and we had a chat about the "boyes peway footbawl" on the street, he's such a cute baby. Eunice came up for supper and we had a nice chat and she told me she met John and Ginny at a Lodge meeting and she thinks John is very nice and there going to a dance together - still -


October 25, 1939 Wednesday

October 25, 1939 Wednesday

Oh dear these days I have to work overtime! I don't like them. Can't seem to get anything done when I get home. Just about got my hair washed. Got sick tonight so I feel low and miserable but thats to be expected. So sleepy can't keep my eyes open.Yawn ---
I hope we have a good time Friday. Oh I'm sure we will, it's been ages since I've been out to dinner so even if no one else enjoys it I will. Just imagine the F.Y.P. has held together together for Four years and here's hoping it will hold for many more years --.


October 24, 1939 Tuesday

October 24, 1939 Tuesday

Went bowling after work. We played Betty M.'s team. My score is getting better (I think). My first string was 88 but my second was only 62. After the games were over I went up to Noa's. She had the card table set up in the front room and candles on the table.It looked so sweet and we had a good dinner. Noa eats better these days and looks better too and I think that's Dick's influence. We sat and discussed boys and life in general. She wants me to try and get a job in Hartford. I'd rather like to. She walked me down the street, we were going to see the jitterbugs dancing on the streets celebrating the fixing of main street but we were too late -


October 23, 1939 Monday

October 23, 1939 Monday

Blue Monday only not so blue. Of course we had to work overtime and I do not like to work overtime! Am now waiting for Lux Radio Theatre to put on their play. Ah there it is! "Invitation to Happiness" with Fred McMurray and Madeline Carroll- sounds good I hope.

Yes it was very good. I like her voice. She seems like such a real person somehow. Oh gee I've got to take my bath and stuff and I'm so tired I wanna go to bed --- Read in the papers where Noa's house was on fire last night. The papers said it started from the house next door and quite a lot of damage. Well I'm glad things all okay.


October 22, 1939 Sunday

October 22, 1939 Sunday

Had a lovely Sunday. Helped around the house in the morning and then after dinner read the funnies and papers until Noa called and said Ev was calling for me. The two of them showed up shortly after and we went riding. Drove thru Hartford and by Karin's new home and thru Windsor Locks and saw where Dick lives. We stopped at the Dutchland Farms on the way home and had a couple of Hot dogs and a coke. It was so much fun and got home in time for supper. I then read some more, listened to the radio, and etc etc.


October 21, 1939 Saturday

October 21, 1939 Saturday

I've been waiting so long for today to appear. Karl drove me up to Dotty's (I had her coat with me) I was the first one there! Hard to believe. Ginny and Ev appeared shortly after and Noa followed them and lastly Karin drove up in Ivar's Oldsmobile. Everyone was dressed so cute. Ev had a new black woolen dress and Ginny new shoes. Karin new blue corduroy suit. We really looked like a lovely bunch of girls. After the luncheon which was delicious and birthday cake ditto we had our pictures taken. K had to leave so she didn't get in them (pictures I mean). We sat and discussed men and clothes - (The Women) Later on Noa confided in me she was self conscious etc.


October 20, 1939 Friday

October 20, 1939 Friday

Seems strange not to have meeting this Fri. Ginny and I having nothing else to do decided to go to the movies. I'm glad we did because we saw an immensely interesting and entertaining picture. We saw Ginger Rogers, Walter Connelly, and Tim Holt in "Fifth Avenue Girl". The pictures I've been seeing lately are awfully good also a picture called "Torpedoed". It's an old release and the "Royal Oak" English ship that was just  torpedoed was loaned for the picture and in the picture was torpedoed showing what amazing coincidences happen!


October 19, 1939 Thursday

October 19, 1939 Thursday

I did quite a bit of shopping done tonight. Dot and I bought a yellow sweater for Ginny. After Dotty left me I bought a pair of shoes and a new suede bag, both black. Also got some small accessories and went after my dress at the cleaners. It's after 10:00 now and Mom is playing Bingo, Ruthy in bed, and Laurie is typing. Everyone else out and my bath water on so I've got plenty to do. Bing Crosby on and I'm trying to concentrate on that and this too - can't be done soooo


October 18, 1939 Wednesday

October 18, 1939 Wednesday

The days fly by so fast I can't catch my breath, well almost. Dotty and I went shopping tonight and bought Noa's Birthday present. She wants something to put in her hope chest so we bought her 3 guest towels and 6 dish towels and a scouring pad also so she won't feel so grown-up a bunch of lollipops! We didn't get Ginny's present tonight but we'll get it tomorrow, I imagine. Dotty drove up after supper and I took her up to Mrs. Voses to have her coat shortened. We had to wait quite a while and well that's that for tonight -


October 17, 1939 Tuesday

October 17, 1939 Tuesday

My bowling score still isn't very good! I believe I could be better- modest - that's me. My first score was 57 and the score of the second string was 78 (I believe). It's so cold today brrr. Home and read a bit and listened to the radio. I can't wait until Dotty has her luncheon Saturday because it should be fun. We're all going to get dressed up and act grownup - Such fun (Gee I can't write straight). I've got to buy some new shoes and things first though. Marit brought my dress to the cleaners so I'll have to wear that. No more for now --


October 16, 1939 Monday

October 16, 1939 Monday

I forgot we had club supper tonight and our department had to wait on the tables and that means setting tables during noon hour. I forgot to take lunch with me so I sent out for a sandwich. We decorated the club room with orange and black Halloween decorations and we did a nice job. We had a very good club supper. Chicken in patty shells and mashed potatoes, peas and carrots and buns and coffee and jello. Good. We had election of officers and although we had games planned no one stayed to play them so home we went. Lux Radio Theatre "If I were King" Doug Fairbanks and Francis Dee.


October 15, 1939 Sunday

October 15, 1939 Sunday

I couldn't sleep this morning either because I had to get up and make breakfast for Marit, Ruthie, and Ginny. Marit and Ginny left right after they ate because Ginny had to get home as they're going on a trip (John and she) and Marit had to go to Church. I cleaned house and when Marit came home we made dinner: Pork Chops, potatoes, wax beans, and chocolate pudding with whipped cream. Ev called up after dinner and asked me if I'd like to go driving, so seeing as no one needed me, the kids were going to the movies and etc so I said yes and we drove all over the state and ended up at Foglemarks and had a hot turkey sandwich and then home. Mom and Pop came home and they've had a wonderful time.


October 14, 1939 Saturday

October 14, 1939 Saturday

I don't like this having the folks away. I have to get up so early and once I'm up I can't get to sleep again. Of course I couldn't stay in bed because what with the milkman, the baker, the paper boy, etc etc all dropping in their just ain't no privacy. I made dinner for them: hamburg, peas, and potatoes, with Marit's help. I went to the movies with Ev and Ginny and Saw Madeleine Carroll and Fred MacMurray in "Honeymoon In Bali" and was it Good! Gee Ginny came home with me to supper and we had a birthday cake for her. She's 22 now. Times certainly flies. She stayed overnight with us.


October 13, 1939 Friday

October 13, 1939 Friday

The dance tonight and Mom and Pop left for New York to see the World's Fair. I hope they have a wonderful time. I came home right after work and made supper, took my bath while Marit, the darling, pressed my blue chiffon gown. I got ready and Dot and Ed called for me and the three of us trooped in and met Olga's brother. Well - he's tall anyway. Ginny was at the dance with John and she looked so sweet. Dotty was stunning in her black taffeta. We went to the Paragon and after the dance to a diner in Hartford. I can't say I had such a wonderful time but oh well, it passed the evening.


October 12, 1939 Thursday

October 12, 1939 Thursday

I'm going to the dance after all. Olga told me this morning that her brother would like to go so she arranged it and all I had to do was say yes or no. After long deliberation and with Dotty's persuasion I said yes. We're going with Dot and Ed. I'm not very enthusiastic about it but anyway it will be a dance. Mom and Pop are going to the Fair tomorrow so they're all excited. Noa had meeting Karin and Ginny couldn't come. We had a nice time but there were moments when I wished myself miles away and it's only natural because when you get 3 girls all in love together anyone who isn't feels rather on the outside. Home and so sleepy and tired - Ev drove us home - now about 12:00.


October 11, 1939 Wednesday

October 11, 1939 Wednesday

I don't think I've mentioned that Helen is in this week and Betty A. finally got her second week's vacation. We are swamped with work-darnit! I called up all the girls today to let them know Noa's having a meeting tomorrow.  Ginny has a date with John so she won't come. I was so glad to be spending tonight at home (of course it's so unusual) but I'm tired. Marit and I have just finished discussing Ginny and Eunice's approaching marriages. Marit said probably by next year Ginny will be having baby showers at this time. Well who knows? Perhaps there will be more than just Eunice and Ginny married-Noa perhaps?


October 10, 1939 Tuesday

October 10, 1939 Tuesday

Well we "Pin Tumblers" went bowling again tonight. My score this time was first 61 then 64. Of course not either of them are anywhere near good but I'm not worrying. It was so very hot today and I hurried home and got dressed and washed and had supper and rushed downtown again to meet Helena and we walked up to Kays. Marmee and Sue were there. Sue looking very natural in slacks and blouse and Marmee looked good too. Marion was just going as we came and Ginny and Edie dropped in after Choral Club. Ginny couldn't stay long as John was waiting for her. We had cake and coffee and had a nice time. Mart's brother drove us home.


October 9, 1939 Monday

October 9, 1939 Monday

Am now listening to "The Sisters" on Lux Radio Theatre with Irene Dune and David Niven. Good but of course the picture was better. Gosh my diet is going simply terrible. I've been eating so much today you'd think I'd starved over the weekend and I can only say regretfully the contrary! I've been reading Margaret Halsey's "With Malice Towards Some" and although I enjoy her very sarcastic remarks and clever comparisons I can't say I like her description of Norway! Naturally I'm prejudiced! Oh well, I know what I mean.


October 8, 1939 Sunday

October 8, 1939 Sunday

Another Sunday spent quietly and peacefully at home. I can't say it's been very exciting but then oh well, one can't have everything. I'm really wasting my time by just sitting at home reading and eating, yes I said eating, but I can't seem to find anything else to do. I'm getting rather discontented and unsatisfied again. If I could I think I'd just pack my bag and spend my life traveling but I suppose even that gets monotonous after a time. If I don't get a little fun soon I'll shrivel up and blow away out of sheer boredom!


October 7, 1939 Saturday

October 7, 1939 Saturday

Didn't sleep very late but of course later than usual. As there wasn't anything special going on today I just took a bath and then washed my hair. Ev called and we decided we might as well goto the movies. We decided we would met after supper and then go to the Arch Street Theatre to see Joan Blondell and Melvyn Douglas in "Good Girls go to Paris" also a Mr Moto picture. Good picture but GGGTP was a scream. First time I've bee in that theatre. It's nice. We got a glass a piece because it seems tonight was ladies glassware night. Wonderful isn't it! Home and had something to eat, ouch my diet!


October 6, 1939 Friday

October 6, 1939 Friday

At long last things are beginning to straighten out and there is once more hope for the future of the F.Y.P. Karin came down to supper and all went well. Noa called and we were to meet her in front of the South Church. She didn't seem too enthused over Karin's presence and my hopes dimmed. She called back and said she would get a ride up so Karl took K and I to Ginny's. Ginny and Ev there and both so cordial and lovely, it was wunnerful - Come Noa and she was sweet and things looked bright. Came Dotty all bubbling over with Love and Good spirit and things got better and better. Noa had to leave early but the rest of us stayed and had a good conversation about men and men and it was just the way it should be - I'm happier than anything. Oh bliss ---


October 5, 1939 Thursday

October 5, 1939 Thursday

Worked until 6:00 again. Went to the movies straight from work. Ginny waited for us at the Candy Box. Betty M. and I met her there and had a coke and a hot dog. Went to Strand and saw "These Glamour Girls" with Lana Turner, Anita Louise, Jane Bryson, Lew Ayres, Tom Brown, and dozens of others. It was amusing light entertainment. The other picture was "The Forgotten Women" with Sigrid Gurie also good. I like her. We went into Contaris and had another coke there, home where I had a light supper and now at 12:00 I'm ready for bed. All we hear over the radio is news of war, war, war! All we can do is hope and pray it will soon be over.


October 4, 1939 Wednesday

October 4, 1939 Wednesday

Again I worked overtime. This has got to stop. I'm wearing myself out and I do mean it. I'm not losing any weight though darn it. Home and had supper and then spent the rest of the time listening to the radio, reading, and planning additions to my wardrobe. I only hope it will all turn out the way I planned it. Tomorrow I goto the movies with Ginny and that takes care of another evening. I'm not a bit sore from bowling but I had terrible cramps this afternoon probably from waiting in the rain for the bus last night!


October 3, 1939 Tuesday

October 3, 1939 Tuesday

I went bowling with the girls in the office after work tonight. My first score 57, second 71. I know I'm going to be lame tomorrow, I can feel it already. We enjoyed ourselves and I guess we're going to keep it up. After supper Karl drove me out to Karin's. She's ill in be with her usual cramps also cold etc. She was glad to see me as was her mother or so it seemed. I heard all about the new house their moving into and etc etc. Seeing as she and Mom are still on the outs I guess she has to tell someone. Oh well. When we were alone I asked K. if she noticed anything funny about meeting last time and she said the girls acted strangely. I said it was because she hadn't written or come to meeting all summer and she said she was mad cause we didn't come down to see her and well she didn't care if she ever came to meeting again. She's coming up Friday for supper and then we go to meeting!!

P.S.- I don't know, mad as I get at her I guess 12-13 years is too much of a habit to break. I still have a warm place in my heart for her.


October 2, 1939 Monday

October 2, 1939 Monday

Blue Monday and that's just about what it starts out to be. Our dept. worked overtime and I mean worked! Mart Klopp told me today she almost called me up last night because she could have fixed a date for me. She didn't because she didn't think of me until too late but she's going to get more particulars and tell me. Soo maybe in the future. I won't hold my breath - Asked Noa up and we planned my wardrobe and gee it sounds good- If only. I can do it now. Well I'm about frozen stiff so I think I'd better creep into bed. Noa wore her new jersey dress and was simply stunning.


October 1, 1939 Sunday

October 1, 1939 Sunday

Everyone conspired against me this morning. The first thing I heard was the babbling of children's voices: Ruthie, Laurie, and Marit as they got ready to go to Sunday School. I closed my eyes and tried to bury my head in the pillow and what happens, they have a parade! The band playing it's loudest walked right by the window. I gave up and got up. Ev called later on and asked if I'd like to go for a ride because she could get the car. We went down the shore. Called Noa and then over to see Ginny. It started to pour on the way home but it was wonderful. I love to ride in the rain. It was fun just the two of us.