
November Memoranda 1939

Thanksgiving Day for America and over in Europe Russia started an undeclared war on Finland. A dirty rotten thing to do to such a fine honest little country as Finland. Russia has bombed quite a few places and killed many people mostly women and children the cowards! Oh what a horrible thing to have happen and now everyone is speculating on whether Russia will try for Sweden and Norway after her war with little Finland. I hate those dictators all they can think of is power and more power. I'm thankful, so thankful we're here in America!

November 30, 1939 Thursday

Thanksgiving Day

November 30, 1939 Thursday

It was so nice I could sleep in this morning. Marit and Lawrence went to the Football Game last of the season. N.B. won 14-0. Buckley was the opposer. I would have loved to have seen the game because it was a lovely day but not any of the girls were going so I stayed home and helped Mom instead. We didn't have any company but had a wonderful dinner. A Huge Turkey and so good and I ate and ate! Now I'm sure I have to go on a diet! Marit went out with Anita's brother Norman and his Aunt and Uncle to a wedding reception. Marit is all grown up and looks as if she's going to do better than her sister.


November 29, 1939 Wednesday

November 29, 1939 Wednesday

Day before Thanksgiving and I woke with the thought that tomorrow morning I can sleep. Oh wonderful wonderful. We got paid this morning so of course I went down to the bank. Went into Mohicans tonight and saw Marit in her white uniform at the Bakery counter. Bought a mince pie and started home. Met Mom who sent me shopping for her. She came home later after buying the turkey and good things to go with it. Oh glory! Tomorrow is the day and am I going to eat! I won't even think of my figure!!


November 28, 1939 Tuesday

November 28, 1939 Tuesday

Well bowling again tonight and we had so much fun but my score was very poor it was 68 and 64 or close to it. When I came home I washed my hair and took a bath and even did my nails. I don't believe I got all three of those things done in one night and still gone to bed early in ages but I done it! I can hardly wait until we have our turkey and everything. Thanksgiving dinner num num. Heck here I am thinking about my stomach again! I've really got to go on a diet right after Thanksgiving, of course after...


November 27, 1939 Monday

November 27, 1939 Monday

Marit went to the movies with Ginny and I and we saw "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" with Jean Arthur and James Stewart. The co-feature was terrible. When we came home the Lux Radio Show was on with Brain Ahearn and Jean Arthur (what again?). It was Pygmalion I guess thats the way it's spelled. It was very good both picture and play. Gosh. only a couple days to Thanksgiving and I think we people living in America have a lot to be thankful for. I'm so glad there is no war or fear of war here in the good old U.S.A. I only wish it were the same the world over.


November 26, 1939 Sunday

November 26, 1939 Sunday

We slept late and Ginny even later than I. She's very hard to get up in the morning so I just lay there for half an hour until she was fully awakened and then we got up and had breakfast. Ginny and her parents were going to a meeting of some sort and Mrs. Gibney asked me along but I knew Ginny was going to meet John later and of course would rather see him alone so I called up Ev instead and we decided to go riding. We rode around for awhile but I got feeling rather car sick so we didn't go very far. Stopped at Dutchland farms and had a hot dog and orangeade then home.


November 25, 1939 Saturday

November 25, 1939 Saturday

I slept rather late and got up and cleaned about the house a bit. I waited and waited for Ev to call me to go to the movies with her but no phone so I called her only to fine she and Ginny had left for the movies. They knew I wanted to see the Embassy show and Ev had seen it and so figured I wouldn't want to go with them. I rushed and got down there and found them and saw "Marx Bros. at the Circus" and "Three Sons" Okay. Ginny asked me to go home with her so I did. We had supper and then to pep things up we decided to take pictures in the house. We put on Evening gowns and fixed a lot of lights around but I'm doubtful about it. I stayed overnight with Ginny.


November 24, 1939 Friday

November 24, 1939 Friday

Noa had meeting tonight. Ginny went to a dance tonight so of course she wasn't present. I walked up and found Noa busy putting the finishing touches to some candy she had made. She got ready and the girls came. We were very bust talking in fact so bust we forgot about eating until almost 10 o'clock. Dotty had the car so she took me home. The F.Y.P. get smaller and smaller but only temporarily I hope. Gosh I wish something very exciting and very amusing would happen because I strongly suspect I'm not getting all the fun out of life I should have!


November 23, 1939 Thursday

November 23, 1939 Thursday

Didn't feel very well today got sick last night but managed to get home and through the day okay. Mom's gone to Bingo with Karl paying expenses. Karl incidentally gave me $15.00 on the loan I made him a while back. I've been listening to the radio, I don't know what I'd do without it. We're going to have meeting at Noa's tomorrow night. I haven't heard from Karin lately although she said she would write. I guess she's really out of the F.Y.P. I'm wondering about Ginny I wish I knew John better so I knew more about what she's getting into but all I can do is hope for the best.


November 22, 1939 Wednesday

November 22, 1939 Wednesday

I've been aching to see Bette Davis and finally I called Marit up and asked her if she'd like to go with me and so arranged to meet her in front of the office. I decided I wanted a new hat so before we went to the movies we went into the Marcelle and I tried on hats and finally bought a $3.98 hat and got it for $2.98 on account of it was Wed. It's cute, black soft felt with a soft leather band with a bucket in front of it. I've never seen Bette Davis so homely but her acting certainly can't be beat. Errol Flynn was okay but he doesn't appeal to me as before.


November 21, 1939 Tuesday

November 21, 1939 Tuesday

We had so much fun bowling tonight. We got very silly and cheered everybody on. I didn't do very well but I was out of the fifties anyway. First string 67 and second 76. I wanted to go to the movies tonight but no one could go so I came home but I'm still anxious to see Bette Davis. Pause while I wash my hair. It's all done now and I've got it all up in bobby pins. Bob Hope is on. He's funny. Gosh I don't know who's having meeting this week. Ginny is going to a dance Fri. so we might have to have it on Thurs. if at all. Had to buy a pr. of stockings this noon. Every time I think I'm a little ahead of the game that happens.


November 20, 1939 Monday

November 20, 1939 Monday

Ginny wore her engagement ring into the office today and surprised most everyone. She still seems too young to get married but I suppose she knows best how she feels and I'm sure she'll make a very good wife. We had R & E Girls Club supper tonight and a very long business meeting went with the supper. It wasn't over until late so I went home instead of to the movies and listened to Lux R.T. instead and very good it was too. "Goody Mr. Chips" with Lawrence Olivier who really startled me he was that good and with him Edna Best. Now I can go to bed and it's only 10:00!


November 19, 1939 Sunday

November 19, 1939 Sunday

I've just finished trying to audit the R & E Girls Club books and outside of a few petty errors and those just in misplacement they're Okey. I went riding with Ev and her mother and father today. We drove over all the new parkways, well maybe not quite all but quite a few of them anyway and they were lovely. We stopped at the "Swiss Cartte" they call it and had dinner. The waiters were running around in short velvet pants and regular swiss costumes. They have wonderful food and our waiter told us the chef once worked for the Czar of Russia. I've got my fingers crossed on that one. Ev and I took our pictures.


November 18, 1939 Saturday

November 18, 1939 Saturday

I slept late. Ruthie's in bed sick and has been all day. I don't know whats the matter with her but she has a fever and sore throat. I was supposed to have gone to the movies with Ev this afternoon and now I wish I had but instead I stayed home and cleaned house and listened to the Hartford N.B. football game with N.B. winning 20-0. Marit is working today in Mohicans again. - It's Sunday night but I think I'll fill this page up even if I am very tired and ready for bed. Ev, Ginny, and I are going to the movies Mon. night and see Bette Davis in her latest pic. I can hardly wait - she's so good.


November 17, 1939 Friday

Ginny's Engaged!

November 17, 1939 Friday

Every day since Wednesday when Ginny got her ring she's been dying to show it to everybody but not until tonight at meeting did she. Karin called up but I wasn't in and she left a message saying she wouldn't be coming to meeting? Well if she isn't interested in the F.Y.P. anymore thats her misfortune. No one noticed Ginny's diamond and I can't say as I blame them she kept it shielded  pretty well and it wasn't until we were ready to eat that she showed it and it's beautiful and I only hope she'll be very happy. The girls were all surprised in fact very surprised. I had a big cake and bon bons and made a party out of it.


November 16, 1939 Thursday

November 16, 1939 Thursday

Still no news from K.H. but I'm still hoping. I've washed my hair and I'm about to take a bath and I've got to hurry. I've got all my clothes ready for tomorrow. Been listening to the radio and etc. Been up to Rachel's and played with Jr. but Rachel and I were talking some more about Norway and etc and gosh I'd love to go over there for awhile anyway and I guess it won't be long before I do go on account of I'm saving like fury. Well now to go to bed and get my beauty sleep --


November 15, 1939 Wednesday

November 15, 1939 Wednesday

I didn't feel very much like going out tonight and neither did Marit. But after supper Lawrence, Marit, and I went down to Mrs. Anderson's new house. She insisted that we come and even set a date so we had to go. We had a nice visit, played Chinese Checkers and had Pineapple upside-down cake. We stayed later than we planned but we had a very nice time. We haven't heard a word from Karl Herrman and although I'd like to see him and have him here in our home, but if he's such a stubborn cuss just like the rest of the Gjerpens I'm sure he won't come.


November 14, 1939 Tuesday

November 14, 1939 Tuesday

Went bowling again tonight and my scores were 82 and 74 which is better than I usually get. Mom wrote a letter to K.H. and sent it Special Delivery so we should hear from him if he's worth hearing from. I really think Uncle Hans would like us to go back to Norway after all Dad is his only brother living. I think I would like it but of course one never knows! Well Rachel seems to think I would and I really feel as if thats where I belong. Now another day is over and I'm so very tired I've just got to get to bed!


November 13, 1939 Monday

November 13, 1939 Monday

The girls in the office all wanted to hear about my cousin so I said the little I could without really saying anything. I had hoped Mom would get a telephone call from him but no one had called. At least he could call the way he promised to do! Ginny and I went to see Deanna Durbin in "First Love" and it was wonderful. Deanna's grown up now and so sweet. The co-feature had Basel in it and Sigrid Gurie "rio" was the name of it and I didn't care much for it. I stopped in at I stopped in at Michael's and got my dinner plate from the nice salesman (They only gave me eleven).


November 12, 1939 Sunday

November 12, 1939 Sunday

Slept until after noon as we didn't get to sleep until 4:00 this morning and we came home without K.H. who absolutely refused to go with us and so that is that. Mom feels very bad about it and so does Pop now that it's too late. Well I guess we have to take the bad with the good and that's what Mom does and trust her to see the humorous side of it! I stayed in all afternoon and fixed my new dress and played with Junior. He's more and more getting into my heart. No one in his right mind could help but love that sweet little darling.


November 11, 1939 Saturday

November 11, 1939 Saturday

I don't know what to write, I'm so heartsick I can't even cry. We got up early and the painters came and finished their work. Mom and Dad and I and Ruthie and Lawrence worked like beavers until we had the house looking grand and all in order. Then the phone rang and it was our cousin and he couldn't come because he was expecting an important telegram from Norway so Mom unsuspecting soul suggested that we go to Boston and talk to him so he was delighted at that plan and it ended up with Karl, Pop, and I going. We met him and the captain who is very nice. K.H. isn't very good looking but he's nice enough. Well Pop got feeling good and brought up the old trouble about uncle Hans and he - and poof that was that!


November 10, 1939 Friday

November 10, 1939 Friday

I had lunch downtown again this noon and went shopping afterwards. Bought a plant, some beautiful Artificial Flowers and on the way home tonight stopped at Birnbaums and got a peach bathmat and etc. We worked like the dickens and the home looks lovely. All done except the washroom which they will do tomorrow morning. Marit, Ruthie, and I took baths upstairs in Rachel's house. The floor in our bathroom isn't dry enough yet. What a busy life we lead up with the seen and to bed early in the morning. Well anyhow the house looks wonderful and we've got draperies in the dining room and a new rug and gee it's wunnerful!


November 9, 1939 Thursday

November 9, 1939 Thursday

I got up quarter after six this morning because the painters were coming at seven. When I woke it was snowing! Of course soon as the sun came up the snow disappeared. We ate breakfast in the dining room we're getting real ritzy! I had lunch downtown and met mother and we went over to Michaels where that nice looking clerk waited on us. We bought a 12 piece dinner set plain white with gold edge and very rich looking I think. This is will be Karl and my Christmas gift to Mom. Well it's worth it we'll have everything all fixed up for our cousin when he comes to see us. I don't see how the painters are ever going to get finished by Sat! Ginny told me a secret, she and John have picked out their engagement ring and wedding ring!


November 8, 1939 Wednesday

November 8, 1939 Wednesday

Another girl told me something no one else knows so far. She's leaving her job, got a gov't position in Washington. I think I'd like to do something like that. Be on my own for awhile anyway. We've been so busy tonight, Marit cleaned the Living Room extra special and it looks grand. I bought a bedroom lamp for Mom's room and other small articles, tie rack etc. The painters are coming tomorrow at 7:00 am so that means we'll have to get up an 1/2 hr earlier and I'm going to take a sandwich with me to work so I won't have to come home noon hour. Well I better get some sleep now if I can. I'm so excited!


November 7, 1939 Tuesday

November 7, 1939 Tuesday

Why do people always confide their inner most secrets to me? I must have an honest face or something!  Betty A. told me today she is getting married very shortly! In fact all they need is a rent!! No one knows not even her family - Just me! I'm so glad but I'll hate to lose her she's such a peppy person and so much fun but I want her to be happy. The man from the bank and a painter looked at the house today and they're going to start papering Thursday! I think that's wonderful news. It needs it so badly. Mom and I went up to Birnbaum's tonight and bought new living room curtains, new white chenille bedspread for her room and new bureau scarfs. It looks smokey! I'm in heaven!


November 6, 1939 Monday

November 6, 1939 Monday

Mother went to the bank and asked if we could have the kitchen papered and painted but they said or he said no it couldn't be done before next week but Mom kept insisting, said we were going to have company and etc until he consented to come up and take a look at it anyway. I went downtown after work and did a bit of shopping all for this house. Gee this is what I've wanted for so long! Go get the folks interested enough so that they clean and buy new stuff. It's wonderful! I cleaned Mom's closet and  put up bars and at the same time listened to Lux Radio Theatre with Barbara Stanwyck and George (sigh) Brent. The play "Only Yesterday" very good.


November 5, 1939 Sunday

November 5, 1939 Sunday

I was awaked (I can't write straight!) awakened by the ringing of the phone and I don't know whether it was Mom or just a voice in my mind that shouted Carl Herrman!  Well whatever it was I almost fell on my face making a hairpin curve out of my room and into the dining room to the phone.  The rest were just starting to get up and with trembling hands I lifted the phone and the operator said, "Your call from New York is coming through.  Do you want to take it?"  And I said, "Oh yes, thank you."  And then he said, "Hello." And I said, "Hello, is this Carl Gjerpen?" (Dumb question)  And he said, "Yes" and I said, "this is your cousin Ingrid," and he said in Norwegian, "oh is it?" and then we talked but for the life of me I can't remember about what and then Pop was up and he talked to him and then Mom got her chance and he's going to Boston but he'll be up next Saturday and I'm so excited.  Oh Gee how wonderful!


November 4, 1939 Saturday

November 4, 1939 Saturday

Oh I've got such exciting thrilling news for today.  Mother woke me up and showed me a letter Dad had received posted from the Norweigan American Steamship Line.  Of course we were eaten up with curiosity to find out who it was from and seeing as how Dad was working we couldn't open his mail so I called him up and Mom, at his request, opened the letter and read it to him.  And here's the news!  Carl Hans Gjerpen, son of Hans, the boat owner in in N.Y. and stopping at the Pennsylvania Hotel!  He wasn't sure of our address so asked us to write him.  We decided to call him up after seven tonight.  Went to the movies this afternoon with Ginny and Ev and after went over to Mags where I bought a new dress blue tailored!  I'm home and I called New York but I couldn't get ahold of him!  The operator said she would have him call me.  Oh I'm so excited and thrilled and so is everyone.  The payoff is Karl is in N.Y. seeing the N. Dame-Army game.

P.S. Saw Ingrid Bergman and Leslie Howard in Intermezzo.  I liked it.


November 3, 1939 Friday

November 3, 1939 Friday

Pay day - Goody! Goody! How I love it but I would love it even more if my profits were slightly enlarged, oh well! I hurried home tonight and got dressed (ditto last night) Odd called to tell me Karin couldn't afford to come tonight as she's heavily in debt as it is and etc. Ev called for me and we went to the Avon Old Farms where I had a lobster dinner- Good. Dotty wore her new skunk jacket and in fact a whole new outfit and looked stunning. The girls all looked nice in fact. Noa, Ginny, and I had a martini before dinner and we felt so lightheaded and gay! It was fun and we just rode around after the dinner and then home.


November 2, 1939 Thursday

November 2, 1939 Thursday

Dotty, Ginny, and I talked it over in work today and I was elected to call Karin and tell her about Fri night. Gee - tomorrow - well she wasn't home and I had to give Odd the message. I got dressed up, if you can call my black with pearls dressed up! I walked down town and met the girls and we drove up to Betty A.'s house. Ann and her mother were already there. We had run and coke and I do not - absolutely do not like them! We had a nice time and presented Janie with her gifts: Pajamas, silk stockings, and a blouse. Cute. We left rather early but I didn't get to bed until late.


November 1, 1939 Wednesday

November 1, 1939 Wednesday

I washed my hair - big news item isn't it? I really can't for the life of me think of anything special that happened today. We listened to the radio and that's about all I can think of. I wish winter would come and it would snow because I love it so. We're thinking about going up to Vermont some weekend this winter seeing as we don't have work Saturday mornings. We could make it a real weekend. What fun to go skiing and wouldn't I be a flop as a skier? I've only been once!