
May Memoranda 1939

May is over and June is in the process of being dumped on my doorstep. I like June. It's so feminine sort of. If you understand what I mean. This page I gather is for a resume of the past month but I'm not in the mood for reminiscing. I'd rather look forward. I want loads of exciting happy times and if wishes come true I'll have them this June and from then on. Wishes do come true don't they??? I want to write something bright and happy but somehow I can't do it so I'll just wish myself a Happy June and let it go at that.

May 31, 1939 Wednesday

May 31, 1939 Wednesday

Ginny wanted me to go to the movies with her so we did. First we went to the Contaris and then to the State to see Shirley Temple in "The Little Princess" and Jeffrey Lynn and Pate Lane in "Yes My Darling Daughter". I saw the second picture once before but I didn't mind seeing it again. The show was very good but it was so hot in there Ginny and I were quite wilted by the time it was over. Ginny has a new print dress and she looks adorable in it. Home and after some fussing around to bed -


May 30, 1939 Tuesday

May 30, 1939 Tuesday

Well today is Memorial Day and a very quiet but not unsatisfactory day for me. Watched the Parade with Marit and her friends. Lawrence was marching in it. (He helped carry the drum). Howard Stanty watched it with us but that didn't make it any better or worse for the matter. Then home to dinner and I started one of my grammar books and well I just fooled around. The girls were all out so I didn't call any of them up. Well as I said before it's been a quiet day nice day and not much doing. Well this holiday's over -


May 29, 1939 Monday

May 29, 1939 Monday

When I woke up this morning my hair was still wet but I managed to make it presentable. It was very hot today and everybody blossomed out in their summer clothes. Today was Helen's last day until vacations start and was she glad! Had a short talk with Ginny who vows she'll never go out with Steve again. She has to fight him off he's that fast. Oh well live and learn. Home and washed out some summer things. Ironed and did dishes as Mom went to Party. Listened to Lux Radio Theatre play "Only Angels Have Wings" with Cary Grant and Jean Arthur. I like. Marit got her perm today and it looks nice.


May 28, 1939 Sunday

May 28, 1939 Sunday

Ev and I slept rather late and then after breakfast we plucked more weeds and walked down the beach. Jess and Marcel came down so we went and saw them. They were painting the kitchen and had it half done when we were down walking along the beach. Noa came down to see us but we weren't around so they went. Sorry we missed them. Ev and I are going to have our little gardens if all goes as planned. Well, home, listened to the radio. Got clothes ready for tomorrow. Washed hair and took bath and got to bed very very late.


May 27, 1939 Saturday

May 27, 1939 Saturday

Right after breakfast we drove down the shore. I decided I'd like a little exercise after lolling in the sun and the lawn mower was handy so I mowed one side of the lawn. And that's some lawn! I was ready to drop when I finished. Ev cut the weeds around the trees and otherwise. Ev tells me Jessie and Marcel are going to be married this fall. She got the news out of Art. We went to the movies in Clinton after supper and saw "Union Pacific" with Joel McCrea and Barbara Slanwyck. Good. We drove over to drug store in Madison and had orangeade. It was really fun and I enjoyed it. Home and to bed and so sleepy.


May 26, 1939 Friday

May 26, 1939 Friday

It's funny but it seems like life doesn't start until I'm through at the office. At any rate that's the way this diary reads. Its "after work" and "after work"! I should write a book "After Work". Idea hmmm. Oh well Ev called and asked it I'd like to stay over night with her because we were going to the shore Sat. morning and seeing as she was having meeting it would simplify matters. I agreed - I met Karin downtown and we walked up. K and Ginny had dates with Ray and Steve at 8:30. Noa didn't come down to meeting she went down to the shore. Dot came. The boys came on time and they came in and we met them. Ray reminds me of Bill Scadon and he's rather nice but so young looking. They didn't seen to want to go but Karin eventually dragged them out. Ev and I walked Dot home and then back and to bed ourselves.


May 25, 1939 Thursday

May 25, 1939 Thursday

Tonight was the night we had our dinner invitation. I wore my light blue dress and everybody said I should wear more clothes that color and etc. Dottie looked so slim in a lavender dress and Ginny of course was adorable. Karin came for us about 5:15 and outside of stopping at a drug store for a cake we went straight up to Aunt Mayas. She was so glad to see us ( well anyway she seemed to be). The girls all looked so cute. We hardly ever all get dressed up at once. Played croquette until supper. Noa couldn't eat she didn't feel well. I'm worried about her. After supper played more croquette until it got too dark to see. We all sat in the parlor and played the game with cards that we all get so much fun out of. Ginny was the life of the party and we laughed until our sides hurt. Then home singing all our good old "memory" songs.


May 24, 1939 Wednesday

May 24, 1939 Wednesday

After I had dragged myself home from work and eaten supper I was ready to relax with a good book. Did I? I did not! Karin called and asked me to take a walk up so I decided I would for my figure's sake. Karin met me when I was almost there and of course we had a gab session. Later on we took out my old letters and notes and read them. They certainly sounded silly. Karin still insists she hates children and won't have any but she'll change her mind about that as she seems to have done about many other things. Almost missed the bus --


May 23, 1939 Tuesday

May 23, 1939 Tuesday

I forgot to mention yesterday that Helen Scanton O'Brien is back in the office. She's just going to help out for awhile but it's so nice to have her back. I did so want to get a lot done tonight but I started reading and as always thats my downfall. However I did get my Oxfords polished and my nails done. Karin's Aunt Marie is having the F.Y.P. up for supper or dinner I believe it's called in the cultural circles ahem -- Thursday night. I bet we have fun. Listened to Fibber McGee and read some more - planned to get more new clothes. Hope I do now.


May 22, 1939 Monday

May 22, 1939 Monday

Ev was going to the movies with Ginny and I but she called this noon and asked if we would postpone it until Thursday. Ginny and I decided to go however because we had planned on it so after work we went to the Embassy and saw "Wuthering Heights" with Merle Oberon, Lawrence Olivier, and Geraldine Fitzgerald. I must say its one of the most haunting pictures I have ever seen and deeply interesting. The acting was marvelous. The co feature was one with Glinda Farrell in a Torchy Blane Picture. Good too but of course not nearly as good as "W.H.". Home and listened to Angels With Dirty Faces on Lux Radio Theatre, Pat O'Brian and James Cagney.


May 21, 1939 Sunday

May 21, 1939 Sunday

After breakfast we lolled around trying to kill time. It was so cold down there. Ev and I took the car and went riding. We went over to Fenwick and saw the new place Katherine Hepburn is building. It is going to be a huge house. We went through back roads and the woods were beautiful and blossoming with dogwood. We went over to the Essex boat docks and through Essex. Then back for dinner - (We went by the aeroplane hangar and decided we'll go back up sometime). We went home about 6:30 and I washed my hair and took a bath and to top it all off I got sick - oh well!


May 20, 1939 Saturday

May 20, 1939 Saturday

As is the usual routine Ev woke me up to say we were going down the shore. I hurried to get ready because she only gave me half an hour to get ready in but however it stretched into more like an hour. Ev has bought some new slacks and shirt so cute wish I looked nice in slacks. We had dinner down there and sunned ourselves and fixed our beds and then had supper. After supper Art came down and took us riding. Somehow I'm not as keen for Art as I used to be. He's alright I suppose but oh well. I was so tired and darn glad when we got home and into bed.


May 19, 1939 Friday

May 19, 1939 Friday

I asked Ginny home with me for supper and then we walked up to Dottie's house for meeting. Dot and Karin went horse back riding first so we took our time getting there. We discussed Karin all the way up. I told Ginny about Karin's lecture. It didn't seem to go over so well with her. She can see through Karin as well as I can but like me she doesn't say anything to her. Someday she promises she's going to blow up and tell Karin a few things. Well Karin certainly was right when she said people talk about her. Whether or not it's because she's interesting as she claims she is - well I don't know. We had a nice meeting and walked home with Karin who only talked about Roy.


May 18, 1939 Thursday

May 18, 1939 Thursday

I wore my new polka dot candy pink dress for the first time to the office today. I got so many compliments on it so I gather it must look rather nice on me. It feels nice anyway. Betty Miller came in all dressed up too so everyone wanted to know where we were going. Betty suggested we go to Hartford seeing as everyone expected us to go someplace. I jumped at the idea and was all set to go when Betty came over to my desk shortly before closing time and said she didn't feel well so did I mind if we went to a show in N.B. instead. I agreed but on the way downtown she decided she felt better so we went to Hartford. Ate at "Spaghetti Palace", saw "Lucky Night" with Robert Taylor and Myrna Loy, after went to Round Table and had glass of beer - first time.


May 17, 1939 Wednesday

May 17, 1939 Wednesday

Worked until six. Miss Bancroft away on her vacation. The girls and I went to Vermont with our thinking of going up again for a weekend. It will be fun. Not until July though. Got a run in my only pair of stockings so I had to buy two pairs tonight. I hate being poor! But as Karin says I don't do anything about it! Her talk keeps running through my head and I find myself wondering if she really means all she says. We've never talked that way before but oh well it was fun. Nice to know where you stand and what people think of you. She may be right in some of her ideas but she's dead wrong in others. She says she's pretty good and she knows it. What can you do with a girl like that? I can't really get mad at her!


May 16, 1939 Tuesday

May 16, 1939 Tuesday

Should have worked overtime tonight but didn't. Just as I was finishing supper Karin called and asked if I'd like company for supper. Well she came up and told us she'd been down to Birnbaums and bought two new dresses. She's got a bill close to fifty dollars now. It doesn't worry her though. Now she's talking about marriage she who maintained she'd never get married! After she'd eaten we went into the front room and Karin proceeded to lecture me. Seems I'm not selfish enough and I'm too sweet. I shouldn't let people run all over me. Admitted she'd been doing it for years (running over me I mean). She said I was hurt at criticism and then I didn't do anything about it. I shouldn't sit home and I shouldn't save money but use it for clothes and fun and so on into the night.


May 15, 1939 Monday

May 15, 1939 Monday

Well we finally started to do a little to the lawn tonight. Marit, June, Lawrence, and I and practically all the children on the vlock got busy and we dug up the side lawn and planted grass seed and flowers. It was nice being out in the air instead of being cooped up inside all day. Eunice called up to ask me to come up for supper tomorrow night, Ginny too. I told her I thought Noa was coming up for supper tomorrow night so I couldn't come. I called Noa and she can't come so that's that. Took a bath but of course I didn't get to bed early. Heard "Lovarich" with Wm Powell and Miriam Hopkins tonight.


May 14, 2012 Sunday

May 14, 2012 Sunday

Ev called me up about 8:30 and asked me if I wanted to go riding with them. So of course I said yes. We started out about 9:30 and me without breakfast ( I didn't get time to eat naturally) We headed for New York and went by the Hudson River and saw battleships. Then we went over by the World's Fair Grounds and just passed by - Gosh I wished we could have gone in. Then we drove over to the Bronx Zoo and saw animals. Saw two cute sailors who also saw us. Everywhere we went they went. Fun. Tame fun of course. We had a sandwich at this refreshment place in the park and we had sandwiches on the way home.


May 13, 1939 Saturday

May 13, 1939 Saturday

So nice to sleep on Saturday mornings. Ev didn't call me so I rather figured we wouldn't be going down the shore. It was rather cold. Ginny, Ev, and I went to the movies and saw "The Hardy's Ride High" with Mickey Rooney, good. Then we went to Contaris as usual. I met mom on the way home and we shopped a little and I went home and mom more shopping. Marit and I got Mom a dress for Mother's day. Hope she likes it. After supper sat and read and then Marit and Caroline came down and they sang and danced and helped pass the evening. Oh gee and I was going to do so much - well plenty of time


May 12, 1939 Friday

May 12, 1939 Friday

Karin had meeting tonight. Noa called up and wanted to walk up as she didn't have car fare for the bus. So I offered to walk with her I rather imagined the walk would do me some good. We didn't walk. She had her folks drive us up. Karin and Ivar had gone for a walk so we walked along trying to find them, we did and bowled Karin out for not being home when her guests came. She said she didn't think we'd get there so early as we were going to walk. We had a nice meeting. Everybody talking about their boyfriends so of course I did a lot of listening. Eddie came for Dot and he took us all home. Ev said if they go down the shore tomorrow she'll call me.


May 11, 2012 Thursday

May 11, 2012 Thursday

Mom and Pop and Mrs. Jensen went to Bingo tonight- again- Karin came down - I'm seeing and awful lot of her lately, must be because I'm such a good listener. We managed to keep up a lovely conversation. Did I say we? Well let it go. We read aloud a Maudie story in the "Ladies Home Journal"by Sarah and Gaaihm? Lorimer and a couple of other stories. It was fun. Mrs. Meehan and her three youngest come in for a minute in the early part of the evening. Karin and I had coffee and a sandwich and of course we smoked a package of cigarettes. Mom and I walked Karin to the corner for the bus and thats that.


May 10, 1939 Wednesday

May 10, 1939 Wednesday

Today was Marit's birthday. She's seventeen and darn cute. Rachel made a cake for her and it was darn good. Took a bath and fixed some clothes and stuff. I can't think of anything else I did tonight. Of course I worked until six and I'm so tired. I guess my theory along with millions of other people that life is a stage or play and all the people actors in it is slightly wrong. I'm just one of the audience. I sit and watch others in the play of life. It's one form of amusement if you're too lazy or indifferent or unable to get on the stage and hold an audience yourself. Do I know what I'm writing?


May 9, 1939 Tuesday

May 9, 1939 Tuesday

Worked overtime again until 6:00 this is getting me down. Marit had her Sub Deb club up tonight so I thought I'd better clear out. Mom and Pop went to Bingo. I called Karin and asked her if she'd like some company and she did. I intended to walk but of course it started to rain and then to pour so I gave in and took the bus. Karin and I had a good talk that is Karin talked and I listened. It was all Ray. She's cute but I wish she didn't know it but that's probably what makes her so self confident. We ate and then Ivar came home with the car and so she drove me home. I've stopped at my house to see if the folks were home they weren't so we went downtown and picked them up and then we went into the house and had more to eat - fun.


May 8, 1939 Monday

May 8, 1939 Monday

I don't know why I should but I feel rather satisfied with myself tonight! I really don't know why because today has been "just another day". Our department worked til 6:00 but I didn't feel as tired as I expected to. When I came home I ate a huge supper, glutton that I am! I've really got to watch my figure more closely (other people do) Well I've decided to lose 4 lbs and I believe I can do it in the 2 coming wks I've been reading the Mademoiselle and enjoying it immensely. Also listened to "Life of Emile Zola" over Lux Radio Theatre with Paul Muni and Josephine Hutchinson. Good naturally, now a million things to do and bed -


May 7, 1939 Sunday

May 7, 1939 Sunday

As is the usual procedure on Sunday morning Ev woke me up by phoning. Asked if I'd like to go down to the shore - be ready at 10:00 - Ginny going too. I was ready. We drove down to the shore and was it warm! It was like a hot summer day than a spring day. Nice topic the weather - We sat in the sun and tried to get sunburned and we did. Not terribly much but enough. Had dinner down there and later we went over to see Jessie and her boyfriend then Ev, Ginny, and I went for a ride. It was nice. We got home around 7:15 and I had supper and played with Junior (upstairs) (he was down here) he's so cute calls me "Ningie". Can't recall anything else.


May 6, 1939 Saturday

May 6, 1939 Saturday

Oh Heaven, Oh Bliss Oh Oh Saturday morning and I slept until 10:30. Wonderful! Helped clean house and then I washed my hair and curled it. Met Ev and Ginny in the Embassy where we saw Don Ameche and Loretta Young in "Alexander Graham Bell". It was good but rather dull in spots I thought. Then I came home and fussed around and then settled down to finishing my book. For some reason or other I didn't get it finished until about 1:15 in the morning. But it was worth sitting up for. Can't seem to remember anything else. I really should have something better to do on a Saturday night than reading.


May 5, 1939 Friday

May 5, 1939 Friday

Got such a nice compliment from one of the boys in the office today. He came over to use the telephone and he asked if he could sit there and look at me and I said, "If you can stand it!" and he said "Stand it! I'll say!" and then he followed it up with, "They ought to put you on exhibition somewhere" and I said "Yes! World's Fair - Freak Show" and he protested vehemently - Nice of him, of course I blushed like a fool and he commented on it - Darn it! Karin came down for me to go to meeting tonight. She took the car and we drove through Main St. It was her first time but after a minor mishap, if it could be called that, we made it, Karin saying under her breath well I've got to do it sometime might as well be now. Picked up Noa and went to Ginny's house. Later we all went for a ride to Freida Farms and had Orangeades. So much fun. Karin took them all home and me last, we sat in front of the house smoking and Karin talked about Ray-


May 4, 1939, Thursday

May 4, 1939, Thursday

This goes on and on one day after the other merely passing on. One day isn't very much different from the other but then I suppose I shouldn't feel this way about it- Jane had her 24th birthday today and she brought in a cake for us. It was good and I got mocha frosting all over my fingers. Mmmmm. We took pictures in the back yard when I got home tonight hope they come out good. Of course Pop flatly refused to have his picture taken. Went up to Rachel's and played with the baby, he's adorable - Now I've got to take a bath and read some more of my book.


May 3, 1939 Wednesday

May 3, 1939 Wednesday

I don't know why I keep on writing in this diary - maybe it's in the hope that someday I'll have something to write about. I really don't know. Called Karin up and was busy talking to her when Ray came to see her. She's still excited over him - must be nice to have something or somebody to get excited and thrilled over. Well life goes on no matter what. Polished my nails, started "White oaks of Jalna" another in the series of Jalna books by Mazo de la Roche. Whats the matter with me anyway I'm so restless I want to get away someplace and see different things and people. Must me a rover strain in my blood.


May 2, 1939 Tuesday

May 2, 1939 Tuesday

Another day of hard, dull work. Worked overtime again until six. When I came home mom said Karin had been down for a minute. She has her license now so that makes it easy for her. I envy her - I've really got to learn to drive soon. I haven't done anything yet about my career in fact I haven't definitely decided just what sort of career I'm looking for. I'll decide soon no matter if I have to flip a coin to find out. As usual life has been very routine, a little pressing, a little radio listening, reading and etc. My office work isn't really so hard it's just that it doesn't interest me and that makes it seem difficult.


May 1, 1939 Monday

May 1, 1939 Monday

I had to go to work fifteen minutes earlier this morning and work later. This is because we are starting our new summer schedule. I worked overtime too tonight until 6:00 - such drudgery! Then home, had supper and read some and of course my Lux radio theatre play "Apple Annie" with May Robson and Warren William and Jean Parker. As always good! After that we for a program of Norwegian music and song. So much of Norway there last few weeks, it's wonderful. Well I'm practically all ready for bed so I suppose I better get started in. There really isn't anything to write about no how - Well I've got to brush my teeth too -