
March 31, 1939, Friday

March 31, 1939, Friday

I went to the dentist this morning and he put something in my tooth to sterilize it and I'm going back Mon. He said if I felt well it was alright to go to work so I went this afternoon. Everyone seemed so glad to see me it was almost embarrassing! Dot wanted to know immediately whether or not I was coming to meeting tonight as she was having it. I wasn't sure but later on after supper I called up and said I was coming. I called Karin up at Birnbaums where she was getting a dress and she stopped by and had supper here and we went together to meeting. She also got a suit and was full of news about it. We had fun at meeting and the food was delish. Hazel is a marvelous cook!


March 30, 1939, Thursday

March 30, 1939, Thursday

Hurray and Hallelujah! I look almost human again! It's wonderful to feel well again. Not completely well but so much better! Still I wish I could go to Martha's house tonight as she's having all the girls from Vermont up. I mean of course all of the girls who went to Vermont last Summer. I was invited and I did so want to go but I'm not that well. Mart called to see if perhaps I could come up for awhile anyway but of course not! I wish I could go to work tomorrow but I better wait until I'm sure.


March 29, 1939, Wednesday

March 29, 1939, Wednesday

Naturally I thought I'd be a lot better today because the swelling had gone down so much yesterday afternoon. I wasn't, my lip was so huge and I felt miserable! What a life I lead. I went down to the dentist and he said he didn't think the hole in my tooth was large enough and that's why it wasn't draining properly so he drilled the hole a little bigger and nearly killed my in the process. That didn't work so he put Novocain in my gum and cut a hole in it and squeezed as much as he could. I've never known pain before. Now it's time for bed and my face is still swollen although I really think it's not as bad. Oh how I'd like to wake up looking and feeling normal -


March 28, 1939, Tuesday

March 28, 1939, Tuesday

I was so swollen up I called the dentist and asked if I could come down and have him look at it. He said 'yes' so down I went. He squeezed my gum and got quite a bit of pus (horrible word) out. It hurt so very much I could have died then and there. I hope no one will ever have to go through what I've gone through with this tooth and it's not over yet. However the swelling went down in the afternoon and I felt a lot better than I have for ages anyway it seems ages. Mrs. Christopherson came down this afternoon to see Mom. It seemed nice to have a little company- Monotonous being home so much.


March 27, 1939, Monday

March 27, 1939, Monday

Took a look at myself this morning and oh what a mess I was and still am. My face is so swollen it looks like a Puff Ball. Even my eye was half closed and all around its lined with Blue. I called up Dr. Walberg immediately and mom called Miss Bancroft to tell her I wouldn't be in. Well it's over now the nerve is taken out of my tooth and it's only a matter of time before it gets black. I could cry and probably will. The swelling hasn't gone down any and my teeth still ache. What a life of misery. My whole day has been so boring and tiresome. I'm going to bed and sob into my pillow. The girls called me up. The rest are rather nice but Karin burned me up she said "Is it black yet?" Oh sob. Feeling sorry for myself. Sob.


March 26, 1939, Sunday

March 26, 1939, Sunday

Didn't feel so well at first but after I had dressed felt better. Marion went to Church and we went for a walk and then met her in the lobby. There was a Police Convention or something at the hotel. Never seen so many Policemen in my life! Had breakfast at Child's then we went on the Rockerfeller City Tour and went to the Music Box and saw Charles Boyer and Irenne Dunne in "Love Affair". Very good. There was also a stage show The Rockettes and etc. Then we walked about and finally had Dinner at the Biltmore in The Bowman Room I think it was. Then we had just time to get our bags (we had them checked at the station) and the train. I had a good time but oh what a very good time I could have had.


March 25, 1939, Saturday

March 25, 1939, Saturday

When I woke up this morning my face was swollen but otherwise I felt alright so I got ready to go. Got excused at 11:00 and went to the dentist for a final checkup. He said to take aspirin and use cold compresses. I bought a pair of half rubbers in case of rain and went back to the office where Marion's brother drove us to Berlin. Miss Bancroft drove down on the train with us. Well when we got to NY we walked all over to the Astor Hotel and got our rooms after which we walked down Fifth Ave and over to the 5 and 10 cent Kressses (?) for souvenirs then back to the hotel and into the Arangile (?) Dining room for supper which I didn't enjoy very much, oh my tooth! Then we went to see "Leave It to Me" with Wm Gaxton, Sophie Tucker, Victor Moore, Mary Martin, and others. It was good then we walked up Times Square and Broadway, ate in the automat and took bath and to bed.


March 24, 1939, Friday

March 24, 1939, Friday

I didn't get to sleep last night until about 4:30. My tooth ached so! Maybe I'm an awful baby but I cried until I got so tired I couldn't cry anymore and still I couldn't fall asleep. I hope I never have to go through that again. Well I dragged myself to work but I left early to see the dentist who said I might get over it and in case I didn't he would have to kill the nerve in my tooth and that would discolor my tooth some. I don't want a black tooth! I feel so sorry for myself I could cry. I didn't go to work this afternoon. Later on tonight I washed my hair, took a bath, and packed just in case I go tomorrow.


March 23, 1939, Thursday

March 23, 1939, Thursday

Oh what a nite I had last night! I didn't g Wrong start - My tooth ached so I went to the dentist after work. Betty M. went with me after which we went up to Miss Bancroft's. She's got a cute place here and we had such a lovely supper but I'm afraid I couldn't enjoy it very much. My tooth ached so very much. And then the dentist told me the nerve was dying in my tooth! My front tooth! Oh why does everything bad happen to me? March was going to be such an exciting month for me and what happens? Everything is all wrong somehow - Helen took me home in her car. She's leaving this weekend -- I'll miss her.


March 22, 1939, Wednesday

March 22, 1939, Wednesday

Oh what a day I've had! My jaws been aching so - I went out to the nurse who said she thought I had neuralgia. I wouldn't be surprised! The girls are so worried for fear I'll be sick and not able to go to New York this weekend. Marion said I'll go if she has to get a stretcher for me! I got a lovely letter from Mary in New York this noon. It's very encouraging. She said someone told her I could pass as Virginia Bruces double! Any day! But its a nice thought. Well I've finished pressing clothes and fixing stuff for the weekend. Gee I can hardly wait. I'm so excited ---


March 21, 1939, Tuesday

March 21, 1939, Tuesday

For the first day of Spring this has been a good and cold day. Walked up to Eunice's house after work. Her sister-in-law Florence entertained me until Eunice came home. She brought Pete in with her and he played a game of Chinese Checkers before leaving. Eunice made supper and we sat and talked for quite awhile. I guess she and Pete are going rather steady. I'm glad - he's nice and more her type than Charlie is. Well we didn't do very much. Eunice went up after her new gown and tried it on. It's a red chiffon and adorable. Walked home by myself at 10:00. My whole jaw ached when I got home and I don't know why.


March 20, 1939, Monday

March 20, 1939, Monday

I've had a terrible headache all day and I want to hurry up and get to bed. I went to the Russwin(?) Girls Club supper after work tonight. The supper was delicious. They discussed the dance oh I wish I were going. I think Ginny will go and I know Dot will go and Ev too oh darn it! I wish I wish I wish I were going. I'm now listening to Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert in "It Happened One Night" over the Lux Radio Theatre. It's darn good. It seems by favorite word is 'darn'! Well the plays over now and I've got to hurry up and get ready for bed.


March 19, 1939, Sunday

Ev woke me up by phoning about 8:00 - said we were going to NY. It was a lovely day and we started off in fine spirits. First we went to the aquarium and saw the little fishes and big fishes and etc. It was fun and most interesting. Then we drove thru NY but not the middle of NY and thru Chinatown over the Manhattan bridge I think it was thru Brooklyn and over to Long Island to see Yvette and Charlie but they weren't home so back over the Triborough bridge and passed the Worlds Fair Grounds, some thrill and then we started for home. We stopped again for supper at the Oasis outside New Haven. I love eating at those places. Its been fun today but I'm getting tired.


March 18, 1939, Saturday

March 18, 1939, Saturday

We had an invitation to supper at Miss Bancroft's house next Friday night. That is - our department has. I'll miss meeting but of course it will be fun. Ginny, Noa, and I went to the Embassy this afternoon and saw "Stage Coach" with Claire Trevor and John Wayne. It was so good. I took Ruthie with me too. The house has been positively bursting with company today - Ben Olson, Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Kaminski and Johnny and of course Mr. Karlsen is still here and will be for a couple of weeks until he gets settled I imagine - Mary and Caroline just came down and gee don't we have a house full. Karl came home from Worchester today. I miss him when hes not home, I'm glad he's back. Ev called up and said we're going to N.Y. tomorrow if it's nice -


March 17, 1939, Friday

March 17, 1939, Friday

I waited for Ginny after work tonight and we went into Conn's where Ginny bought a new navy blue spring coat. She's a darling - so darn cute with her little gestures and quick sayings. Then we went into Contaris where we met Noa. Betty Miller was there too and after Noa had gone Libs came. Noa went to start the Spaghetti supper and later on Ginny and I went up. Ev was there and Karin came a little later. Dot had a date cause Irvings home so she didn't come. The supper was delicious and we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. After supper Ev, Noa, and I lay on the floor and drew over the pictures in magazines. We got so silly and acted the way we used to when the FYP first started.


March 16, 1939, Thursday

March 16, 1939, Thursday

Today has been another rainy day but not as bad as it could have been. I finished reading "Young Renny" tonight by Mazo De La Roche. What a good book! I'm glad I'm getting interested in books again, instead of just reading magazines. I was going to put some water on the stove and I spilled some and the steam burned my fingers - It hurts - Cut Ruthie's bangs but she won't let me cut the rest of her hair. I'm getting vaseline from my hand all over this diary. Karin called and told me about the book she had just finished about Ghosts - I'm going to get it if I can.


March 15, 1939, Wednesday

March 15, 1939, Wednesday

Such a dreary day. It's been raining and darn this weather! Seeing as I was going to meet Karin at quarter after five and I get out at 4:30. I had quite a bit of time so I got the bright idea of going up to the library to see if I could get my card. I could after paying 16 cents I had due! Got two books "American Family" by Faith Baldwin and "Edna, His Wife" by Margaret Barnes. Then I met Karin and we in turn met Noa and we went into Contaris I had a Banana Royal -How will I lose weight? Oh first we went shopping and got Karin's hat Navy Blue Jam sort of - cute. When we got to Karin's we had Macaroni and Meat Balls, good. When Mr and Mrs Jensen came home Ivar drove me home. It was so cold out - Brrr what a night.


March 14, 1939, Tuesday

March 14, 1939, Tuesday

Darn it! I've got this awful pen and I never could write with it. I did take my bath tonight. I also washed my hair. Theres nothing much to write about today. In fact this month seems to be quite a flop. Karl isn't home, he's out on the road (so they call it) for the factory. Karin called up and asked me up for supper tomorrow night. I'm going to meet her downtown and were going to buy her a hat. Wish I were going to buy me a hat but I suppose I'll have to wait for that. Well as I said before theres nothing to write about.


March 13, 1939, Monday

March 13, 1939, Monday

This day so far has gone rather quickly. Of course it isn't over yet its only 7:30. I'm going to do quite a few things before retiring such as taking a bath and washing and ironing a few things. It snowed all night evidently because the streets were laden with snow and I was five minutes late to work. It was still snowing when I went to work. It stopped during the morning however - heavens what a subject to be writing about - the weather! Mr. Karlsen had good luck today he got a job the very first thing. Well I didn't get my bath after all, it got too late.


March 12, 1939, Sunday

March 12, 1939, Sunday

Marit and I cleaned house this morning. Seems as if I washed millions of dishes. After dinner Ev called and asked me up. Karin called and said she and Ginny could meet me downtown if I was going up to Ev's. So I did. It's been snowing since yesterday and it was snowing quite hard when we went. Had supper up to Ev's as we usually do. It was fun as always. Later Art came up and took the gang of us out riding and then home. Now that I have finished writing in here I better get started to bed its getting close to 11:00 and I'm so tired I can hardly stand.


March 11, 1939, Saturday

March 11, 1939, Saturday

I wasn't a bit sleepy when I got up this morning. Guess the night life agrees with me. Ha! Met Karin and Noa (who looked lovely in a new purplish outfit) at the movies we saw Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller in "Pygmalion". It was really a good picture I enjoyed it immensely. After the show we went to the Contaris while we waited for Ginny who is going to stay overnight with Karin. I then went home to supper. Mr Karlsen was here from Brooklyn. He's going to stay with us for a few days while he looks for a job in Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen came down. I worked hard pressing clothes and I did quite a bit.


March 10, 1939, Friday

March 10, 1939, Friday

Well we had a nice day after all. We met downtown at quarter to six and Olga drove us up to to "The Lobster" It's a cute place. I had a Lobster dinner and was it good! The waitress who was incidentally sooo friendly told us Jimmy Dorsey ate there and she told us when he came in she would let us know and she did and we saw him. Thrill thrill. Oh yes I must remember I'm getting to be quite a souse I had a drink before dinner. It was a Daquiere?? Spelled wrong no doubt. The "State" was our next destination and we saw Jimmy Dorsey and his orchestra. The show was very good, after which we stopped at the Lavalette for a Sundae (strawberry) and home. It was fun  home 10 after 1:00.


March 9, 1939, Thursday

March 9, 1939, Thursday

Karin was coming up for supper but she called up to say she wasn't coming. She doesn't feel very well and it's such messy weather outside. It's been snowing today and I've been rather afraid that Olga can't get the car tomorrow night and that would be a calamity. I listened to Rudy Valle and did my nails and then I took my bath and fixed my hair and oh yes I plucked my brows! You'd think I was going to a dance or something instead of just going out with the Statistical girls not that that isn't an occasion in itself!


March 8, 1939, Wednesday

March 8, 1939, Wednesday

It's right after supper now and I haven't much to write about. I got my hand writing analysis today. It's pretty good too. We've been rather silly in work today but then we have all week long. It's so much more fun than just working. Well I'm going to write a letter or letters to Ann and Mary now so I'll finish this later ---
Well I've finished my letters and I guess it's about time - I've listened to Fred Allen and now I've got to wash my hair and it's ten o'clock now - hope I can get all done by 11:00 -


March 7, 1939, Tuesday

March 7, 1939, Tuesday

Ruthie and I cleaned out my bureau tonight. I tied up all my letters and cards and etc. I've been dying to do this for such a long time I'm glad I finally got it over with. Mrs. Anderson came down. She seems to be doing pretty well although I guess it is lonesome for her without her husband. It's a good thing she has her three boys. I just can't seem to squelch that longing to go places I think what I want to do is go to New York and get work there. I imagine it would be rather hard getting work but how interesting it would be!! And fun --


March 6, 1939, Monday

March 6, 1939, Monday

I got rather ambitious tonight and did a bit of ironing and pressing. Listened to Lux Radio Theatre Kay Frances and Wm. Powell in "One Way Passage" those plays are always so good. I love them. It must be rather a thrill to work on the radio. I'm getting so restless again I want to get out of New Britain and go someplace anyplace. Guess its wanderlust (It must be in my blood) but I never will because I've got a job and I'm fairly contented when I haven't the urge to travel and heavens knows with times as they are I should be satisfied.


March 5, 1939, Sunday

March 5, 1939, Sunday

I woke about 9:00 this morning looked out the window, turned over and went back to sleep until 9:30 when Mrs. Seibert called us and said we were going someplace so hurry up and get dressed! We did - Had breakfast and got started. I guess about 10:00. The weather was cloudy, dreary, and it was raining, need I say more? Well we went to New York! We didn't go to the Zoo because it was so wet out but instead we went to the Botanical Gardens. I wish I could describe the beauty of them. The tall, stately palm trees, the cactus plants like so many queer workings of nature and loveliest of all the flower gardens, tulips, daffodils, forget-me-nots, cala-lilies, tiger lilies, and so many others. So breathtakingly beautiful, so sweetly smelling, such a splash of colors. Oh me - we had dinner about 5:30 at the Oasis (Outside New Haven) Gee it was delicious -


March 4, 1939, Saturday

March 4, 1939, Saturday

I hear it is going to rain tomorrow - of course it would! Oh why does it always rain when we plan to go to the Bronz? I got dressed and met Ev and Ginny in the Embassy. We saw Made For Each Other with Carole Lombard and James Steward. I like - We then (after visiting the Contaris) walked home in the rain. Ginny is having a blind date tonight. Hope it turns out well. After supper Art came down and took us down to Jessies in Killingworth. We stayed there for awhile and heard the news - Jessie has a new boyfriend. Then home to Ev's and to bed - Got to sleep about 1:00 I imagine.


March 3, 1939, Friday

March 3, 1939, Friday

I've worked so hard at the office today that I don't feel much like going to meeting but I suppose I might as well go. Make the most of my day. Wore my new shirt and sweater and got such nice compliments at the office today. I'll write later -

Odd and Karin drove up for me and Odd took us up to meeting. I don't know why (because Karin and I both knew Ev was having meeting) but up we trooped to Ginny, rang the wrong bell and then walked upstairs. Ginny's mother said Ginny had gone to a party then we both remembered where meeting was and both went to Ev's. Noa didn't come either, Ev said that Noa didn't feel very well. I don't doubt it she's getting so thin I'm so worried about her. There were only four of us at meeting but we enjoyed ourselves as we always do. Ev said were going to try to make it to the Bronz Sunday.


March 2, 1939, Thursday

March 2, 1939, Thursday

I was cleaning Mother's room for her when the phone rang. It was Karin - she was downtown and asked if I wanted company for supper so of course I immediately asked her up. We had supper, looked through magazines and made plans for Easter Clothes. We were at a loss for something to do when Mom asked how we would like a cocktail. Such a mother! The Angel! I'm glad though that I can smoke and drink in front of her (not that I do much) I'd hate to have to sneak around corners doing things. I've got some ginger ale and cherries and mixed the drinks not very strong but good. The three of us sat and sipped , smoked, and talked. Then we played Ping Pong and I went up and got my skirts from Mary Vase. They look nice. Lawrence and I walked to the bus with Karin. She was in a good mood so I asked her if Dave mentioned he had seen me and she said yes. He came home and said he had driven home with a beautiful blonde. Hope he really thinks so.


March 1, 1939, Wednesday

March 1, 1939, Wednesday

I got real ambitious today. I did a regular house cleaning in my room. Even scrubbed - well washed - the floor. I changed the furniture all around and had a grand time. In betweentimes I listened to the radio "One Mans Family" * when that was all done I played Ping-Pong over the kitchen table with Lawrence. Then just to make a good busy finish to my day I washed my hair and took a bath. I can't say I had time to do much planning for March. I guess I'll just have to let the days take care of themselves. That will perhaps be the best for all concerned -