
April 25, 1939 Tuesday

April 25, 1939 Tuesday

Ginny and I met Karin in the Contaris, Karin said Ray might be up for supper anyway but if he did come he wouldn't be there until 8:30 so I finally agreed. After supper we talked and also jumped rope outside (more fun). We then went upstairs and Karin showed me some of the notes she had gotten from Ray. She certainly seems to like them. Karin got dressed and we sat and waited for the darn boy to come but he didn't. We went for a walk and we noticed this coupe driving slowly by. We thought it might be Ray so we went back to the house but it hadn't been him so we walked back to the Drug Store again and had cokes and smokes and talked. Karin asked it I minded her gibbering to me and I said "No, as long as I feel you only gibbering and not gloating". Oh she said she'd never do that! Anyway we're a lot better friends!

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