
June 30, 1939 Friday

June 30, 1939 Friday

Well, well another pay day. Wonderful isn't it? I can hardly wait until next pay day so I can get some money. Yes, Yes I know I'm being sarcastic but where does my money go? Marit was busy packing tonight she's leaving tomorrow. That didn't stop her from going to a dance tonight at the "Y" though. I read quite a bit of my book tonight. It gets better and better. Ev called and asked me down the shore so of course I'm going. Ruthie's been pounding on the piano of course. She's cuter than the dickens even if she is my own baby sister!! I'll bet when she grows up she beats us all for looks!


June 29, 1939 Thursday

June 29, 1939 Thursday

I asked Ginny up for supper tonight and she played piano for us. Poor Ginny this used to be one place she could get away without playing but those days are over since we got the piano. I called Karin up at Christin's as prearranged but she after much tweedle decided to take the bus up because she had her high heels on. Ginny and I walked to Dotty's. When we got there we were informed when Karin called that she was so tired and etc so she had gone home instead. Well we had a nice meeting. It started to rain but Noa's folks came and took us all home. I was so glad and so were the rest of the girls. Hazel made ice cream sodas for us tonight - good.


June 28, 1939 Wednesday

June 28, 1939 Wednesday

I decided I'd do all I could tonight and I did. I washed clothes and put up my red dress and ironed and even washed my hair! Also listened to One Man's Family and the Fight between Joe Louis and Tony Galento. Joe Louis is still champion. He knocked his opponent out in the third round. It was a darn good fight. I'm glad Joe Louis won. Well I didn't get to bed as early as planned - but who cares! Ginny's coming to supper tomorrow night and then we're going to Dot's for meeting. Oh yes I've got to see if Karin will be through with her permanent too. If she is she'll come up with us!


June 27, 1939 Tuesday

"Found out Eunice Engaged!"
June 27, 1939 Tuesday

Eunice is engaged to Pete! Ginny and I went up there after work but we didn't notice anything unusual. Eunice handed me the paper holding her left hand with the diamond very conspicuously as she asked, "Don't you want to see it?" But dumb me I thought she meant the paper and didn't notice the ring! She didn't say anything about it until after supper. We were sitting around the table and Mrs. Dickinson said something about us needing glasses and a little later Eunice said "Shall I show them" and her mother said "Well you're just dying to so you better". Then Eunice showed us the diamond and told us about it. She got it last Tuesday. She showed us all the stuff in her hope chest and she does have plenty. Well she's the first of my special friends to get engaged! She'll be married next year in the fall she says.


June 26, 1939 Monday

June 26, 1939 Monday

I guess the most important news of today is -- We got a piano! It's Mr. Nelson's or at least it was his before we bought it. Maybe if I can get up enough ambition and money I'll take lessons and learn how to be the Life of the Party. Won't that be wonderful?! Eunice called up tonight and asked me to her house for supper tomorrow night. She's going to have Ginny too if she can come. We should have fun. Lawrence picked some cherries across the street and came home with a big bag of them. I've been gorging myself on them. Just like me to get sick now! Heard "Mrs. Moonlight" on Lux Radio Theatre with Janet Gaynor and Herbert Marshall - about a woman who never got old!


June 25, 1939 Sunday

June 25, 1939 Sunday

We went down to the beach again and lounged around even if the weather wasn't any too good. Ginny came down in the afternoon and we went riding around and when we came back there was Art. He offered to drive us home. On the way we stopped to see Art's cousin Joe and Grandma Evans. Ginny had to play the piano for her but we didn't stay very long. Came home and had supper and read the funnies and part of my book. Finally I took a bath and got to bed. Next week Ev and I are going to the Clinton Town Hall Theatre and see a stage play. I can hardly wait. It should be good.


June 24, 1939 Saturday

June 24, 1939 Saturday

Ev came for me this morning and we went down the shore. We had dinner down there. Ev and I put on bathing suits and went down to lie on the beach, Ginny came down and brought Libs with her. After supper seeing as Libs and Ginny had gone home we decided to go to the movies. First we dropped by the "Jensen's Guest House" to see if we could take Karin with us to the movies but she was going to pick Ray up in New London so she couldn't come with us. We then went to call on Noa and Dick. Got a glimpse of Em wish we could have seen his girl but I guess she wasn't down. We went to the Saybrook Theatre and saw Alice Faye and Tyrone Power in "Rose Of Washington Square". Also "Within The Law" with Ruth Hussey and Rita Johnson who was darn cute!


June 23, 1939 Friday

June 23, 1939 Friday

I got paid today and now I've got a whole week in which to wait for next pay day! My money certainly goes. Ginny, Ev, and I decided we would go to the movies after supper. We saw "Young Mr. Lincoln" with Henry Fonda in the title role and it was marvelous! Beautiful acting which Alice Brady shared honor. Oh how I wish I could act! Sometimes I think I can and then again I'm not so sure. Why haven't I an ambition so strong that nothing else would matter except acting. It's a woman's privilege to change her mind and I change mine very very often. I better go to bed as I'm going down the shore tomorrow with Ev.


June 22, 1939 Thursday

June 22, 1939 Thursday

Karin had meeting tonight. Ginny's department went to Hartford tonight so she had to go with them. That mean't one less for the meeting. Later Noa called up and said she had a date so she couldn't come - That left four of us. I bought a cake for Dotty and brought candles and the slip up with me. Karl drove me there and on the way we stopped and Lawrence got the girl he was talking to at the dance and we drove them to the school. Her name's Barbara Goodwin and she looked very sweet. She wore a peach gown with Lawrence's corsage of dark peach roses pinned on the shoulder. Well we had our meeting and Dotty got her cake. Ev brought the car so we got a ride home.


June 21, 1939 Wednesday

June 21, 1939 Wednesday

I decided that tonight I would go to bed early but as so often happens I get waylaid and don't retire until much later than planned. I decided to read as much as I could of "All This, and Heaven Too" by Rachel Field, I got terribly engrossed in it. I think I like it better than Rebecca. Mrs. Anderson came so I got talking to her and well time passed and before I knew it I just had time to iron my dress and read a little more of my book before it was 10:30. I got to bed at 11:00. Lawrence is going to his Junior High School reception tomorrow night. Heavens, I'm getting old - must be when he starts going to dances. Marit had a good time at her dance last night.


June 20, 1939 Tuesday

June 20, 1939 Tuesday

What a night this was!! The girls in the Statistical dept. went out to dinner. We met at 6:30 and Olga drove us in her car. We went to the Avon Old Farms for dinner. We all had a whole broiled Lobster except Betty Miller who had turkey. It was so good! Oh yes I mustn't forget - I had a Martini Cocktail before my dinner! It wasn't very good tasting but it didn't bother me any. We sat in a room lit by candles and decorated with saddles and pictures of horses and etc. Very cozy. After dinner we went to the Farmington Inn and had a glass of beer, ugh I don't like beer. That was a pretty place too with stars flickering in the ceiling but we didn't have enough fun so we went to this joint called Cass's Inn. We had 2 beers there and all the customers left so we had the place to ourselves. We played the nickelodeon and had barn dances and polkas and more darn fun. Home by 12:45 and Marit who went to the High School Prom came home shortly after.


June 19, 1939 Monday

"Dot's Birthday 21 years old"
June 19, 1939 Monday

I had an idea I wouldn't be very enthusiastic about getting up this morning and I wasn't wrong! However, I dragged myself up and to work. It wasn't as bad this morning as it was this afternoon though. I think I would have dozed off if it hadn't been for Dotty and her birthday cake. At 2:30 Dot asked me if I'd come out with her while she cut her cake so of course I did. It was a delicious cake but the frosting was all gooey and all over the place. I had to cut the cake for her and got frosting all over me. Well it was a good cake. Bought a shirt for father's day and home to supper. Lux Radio Theatre Wm Powell and Claudette Colbert in "The Ex Mrs. Bradford" Not so terribly good or maybe I'm just not in the mood.


June 18, 1939 Sunday

June 18, 1939 Sunday

I vaguely remember Ginny asking me what time it was and then the next thing I knew I opened my eyes to find myself quite alone. My first thoughts were 'Help! I've been robbed - Where's Ginny' Then I heard voices and the clinking of dishes downstairs so not relishing being cheated of breakfast I threw on my clothes and rushed downstairs. Sue had muffins - need I say more! Wish I could remember everything we did and in the order we did them in but I can't so I'll just surmise if that's correct? We walked over to Donald's and Jimmies home and met some visitors they had. They've got a darling little girl called Ruth Mary. We walked through the oldest cemetery in the state and read the old ancient epitaphs. After dinner Ginny and I played and Sue came in and talked with us then Elva and her 3 children came and we sat outside and talked. Jimmy and her family came too. We had a light lunch and started home about 6:15, got home at 12:00. Such a wonderful weekend!


June 17, 1939 Saturday

June 17, 1939 Saturday

I was awakened at quarter after six this morning and out of bed at half past. Ginny and Kay and the driver came at 7:30. We had fun going up. Ginny wore slacks and Kay overalls. Got there at 12:30 which was darn good driving. It was wonderful to see Marmee and Sue and the rest of them. We had a wonderful time. We saddled Ned, the old work horse and rode him. Marmee took a picture of Kay sitting back of me on the horse. Embarrassing but amusing incident - As I attempted to get off the horse got my foot caught in the stirrup and fell flat on my stomach! We played croquet and after supper rode down to the village store and while down there our chauffeur drove up with his brother, sister, and another girl. They were going to a dance in Montpelier and wanted us to come along. We weren't dressed up at all but were finally coerced into going. Every other dance was a square dance and we had fun. Got home around 12:45 I should say and Ginny and I had the room over the kitchen. I love Vermont.


June 16, 1939 Friday

June 16, 1939 Friday

Goodness here it is about 1:00 in the morning and I'm still writing in my diary. I'm catching up on the last few days. Tomorrow morning at seven we go to Vermont and I've been so busy today getting ready. I thought I'd like a new dress to wear up there so I tried on literally dozens of them tonight in Birnbaums and not one did I like so home I went without one! I ironed my dirndl and washed and ironed my slip and really did get quite a lot done. I washed and set my hair and took a bath. Of course it is rather late now but I got everything I wanted done done! Ohhh it won't be long now. Can hardly wait  for the alarm ho hum-


June 15, 1939 Thursday

June 15, 1939 Thursday

Ginny, Libs, and I headed for Contaris tonight and on the way mat Karin driving the Packard. She parked the car and she and I went to Contaris while Ginny and Libs went to try dresses in Conns. Ginny by the way is going with us to Vermont and I’m so glad. Karin isn’t sure now whether she really wants to go steady! Oh what a woman. Ivar graduated tonight so she didn’t come to meeting, Ev didn’t either as she had to go someplace with her mother and Art or something. Noa got a new Aqua polka dot dress that looks lovely on her. That girl gets better looking by the minute. Gee How I love the F.Y.P! In spite of all their faults or maybe because of them! Good time had by all.


June 14, 1939 Wednesday

June 14, 1939 Wednesday

I decided I'd go to bed nice and early tonight but fate?? just wouldn't let me. Rachel came in to see mother before she went to the movies and I in a bright moment suggested that if she'd go to see "Juarez" with Bette Davis, Paul Muni, and Brian Ahearne I'd go with her so she said "All right" and off we went! I though the picture was interesting but I didn't see enough of Bette Davis. She fascinates me. Rachel doesn't like her but admits she's a wonderful actress. I'm getting excited about going to Vermont this weekend. Martha said she might not be able to go and if she doesn't I hope Ginny can.


June 13, 1939 Tuesday

June 13, 1939 Tuesday

I didn't feel very well today which isn't unusual for this time of the month. Noa called right after supper and asked me up but I just couldn't make it and she understood perfectly. Shortly after Karin called and wanted me to visit her but I gave her the same reason. I finally settled myself in the big chair with loads of magazines and was nice and comfortable when in walked Karin clad in a new striped blouse and lavender slacks. She looked cute. I gave her the slip I got for her birthday and this time I hope it fits. She didn't stay long but while she was here she said plenty. Latest development in her struggle with Ray's family is quote, 'I don't worry about it any longer - in fact I rather enjoy it-' unquote.


June 12, 1939 Monday

June 12, 1939 Monday

Well this has been a rather full day even if not much has been done or has it... Ginny nearly passed out this morning I hear. Too much riding last night I guess. Kay asked me if I'd like to go to Vermont over the weekend and of course I said yes. A friend of her brother's lives up there and he's going home so he'll have room for three more so Martha Klopp, Kay, and I will go. Hope I can make it now. Ginny and I went to the Strand after work tonight and saw "It's a Wonderful World" with Claudette Calbert and James Stewart - also Charlie Chan picture. Good Show - Home and listened to Fay Bainter in "White Banners" over Lux Radio Theatre. Well that's all -


June 11, 1939 Sunday

June 11, 1939 Sunday

Ev and I woke up around 9:30 and after we had made up our beds (I should say taken them apart - because that's what we did) and had our breakfasts we made our way toward the beach -- Ginny too. We went out on the flats and waded around for awhile - We went to town for Ev's mother and on the way met Art who turned around and followed us. After dinner we went riding with Art - we did so much riding I began to feel quite sick - Art took us home going over all sorts of country roads - Neither Ginny or I felt like talking and so we just sat there and I was so glad when I finally got home and was able to get to bed!


June 10, 1939 Saturday

June 10, 1939 Saturday

Ev called me about quarter after nine and told me she'd be up for me in about an hour. So --- I got ready and was waiting for her when she arrived. She came down alone and we drove up to her house where her father was waiting for her. He had to go to Hartford so we went with him. Picked up two of the neighbors kids - Lois and Eleanor. Well when we got back and by the time we finally got started it was almost twelve. Had dinner down there and went to call Ginny but she was eating so we went down to the beach. Art came down with his mother and he joined us as did Ginny later on. After supper Ev and I went to the Clinton Theatre where we saw "Jones Family in Hollywood" and "Unmarried" - Both extremely funny.


June 9, 1939 Friday

June 9, 1939 Friday

Ev said yesterday we might go down the shore tonight but we didn't. I wish we had because it's rather warm but oh well, a night at home won't ruin me. Finished reading "Pitcairn's Island". It was good. Mother treated to ice cream cones - Heavens my diet! I'll never lose any weight and here is Dotty getting thinner by the minute and that goes for Ginny too. Ev wore a new red checked dress with a huge shirt last night and she looked so cute. The whole bunch of them looked cute in fact. Dotty had on a pink blouse and blue pleated skirt I've never seen before - That girl has more clothes -


June 8, 1936 Thursday

June 8, 1936 Thursday

Ann Anderson's birthday today. She's 25 - I believe. Imagine! It doesn't even seem possible - she doesn't look any older! I bought Karin a satin Barbiz slip and Dot and I got the F.Y.P. present - (Also underwear for her). I had meeting and oh what a hectic time. Karin came for supper and she was worn out and rather discouraged it seems Ray's family doesn't like her after all. She's making him too independent and their afraid the kids will run off and get married. Ray's had a big fuss with his family and even threatened to leave home. Well to get back to meeting - Dot was expecting Irving who was late and Noa didn't feel well and had to lie down and Karin didn't blow out all the birthday candles and between us all things were pretty upset - Irving came for Dot, Sky for Noa, and Ivar for Karin. Ev and Ginny stayed with me for awhile longer.


June 7, 1939 Wednesday

June 7, 1939 Wednesday

Yesterday was Karin's birthday. She was nineteen. The F.Y.P. baby is growing up (The Brat). I really can't understand myself as much as I try. Can get roaring mad at Karin but it disperses and there I am feeling all kind and swell toward all - Some time when I can take the time off I'm going to sit down and really puzzle me out. Marion, Helena, and Martha Kuelin and I played Tennis tonight on the Willow Brook Tennis Court ----- The dash indicates where Noa came in and asked me to go for a ride with her and Dick so I went, it was fun. Dick had the top down on his car. Well theres much to do and not much time to do it in so I must away.
P.S. Seems I'm forever going riding with girls and their boyfriends


June 6, 1939 Tuesday

June 6, 1939 Tuesday

Well it's all over now! I mean my permanent of course! It looks rather nice too even if I do say so myself. I went in the beauty parlor at 5:00 and got out almost 9:30. Hurried home in time to listen to Fibber McGee and had super. The family seems to like my permanent and so do I. Well I washed out my only pair of anklets and got ready for bed. I'm so glad I can wear anklets they save so on my stockings and pocketbook too. I couldnt' just go to bed without doing something extra so I read some more of my book and finally got to bed.


June 5, 1939 Monday

June 5, 1939 Monday

Well I called Kristen's and made an appointment for a permanent tomorrow night. What a relief that will be! I made myself comfortable with a book "Pitcairn's Island" by Nordoff and was all set to spend an interesting evening at home when who should drive up but Karin and Viola Jobert. Karin said I could go for a ride with them if I had some money to chip in for gas! I consented to chip in a few cents so off we went to Hartford and up to see Ray who came out for a ride with us. We came back to N.B. and up to the Broadcasting Station and played records. Met Craig Patterson the announcer who is incidentally Viola's boyfriend. Vi stayed there and Karin brought me home then took Ray home. She certainly is crazy about him and she shows it.


June 4, 1939 Sunday

June 4, 1939 Sunday

When I woke up my sunburn was almost completely gone. Little Junior came in to see me before I'd gotten out of bed. He's so cute and he toddles all over the place. Calls me "Ningee". There wasn't anything to do so mother and I had coffee and cookies and smoked a few cigarettes together. I read all the Sunday paper and really managed to keep myself entertained. I don't mind being home I like to read and listen to the radio. Heard the usual Sunday programs and then I washed my hair and took a bath. I've got to get my permanent pretty soon my hair is getting so long -


June 3, 1939 Saturday

June 3, 1939 Saturday

Sky woke me up this morning. Thrill! Thrill! Noa got up and we had breakfast together. I went home and changed my dress and met the rest of the girls in front of the Office. Dot and I sat together and was it fun. Two buses. Ginny in the other one. We reached Elm Camp about 10:30 or so. Dot and I went rowing, I mean canoeing. We played Ping Pong - Had dinner - Turkey and stuff Good. Went up on the hill and learned how to shoot arrows, played volleyball and tennis and rode a bike. The boy who took care of us was ok, Bret - he called everybody honey and other sweet names and well too much is too much! Had hamburgers, coffee, and ice cream before we left. Went home about 6:30 and had fun on way home. Got my arms sunburned but they don't hurt.


June 2, 1939 Friday

June 2, 1939 Friday

Ev and I went up to Noa's tonight and we had such a nice visit. Ginny was getting her permanent but we thought it might be fun to have her up too so I called the beauty parlor and asked her. She came up after her hair was fixed and she looked so nice. Everybody talked to their hearts content and we had food of course and talked more and more. Noa wanted me to stay overnight with her but I said I couldn't because the R & E Girls Club are going on an outing tomorrow morning. However she and the girls convinced me I could get there just as early if I slept there as at home. We left notes for Sky to wake me at 7:30 next morning but he came before we went to bed so we fooled around some. Sky was in better humor than I've seen him for ages.


June 1, 1939 Thursday

June 1, 1939 Thursday

Well we had meeting tonight I called Karin up to see if she could meet me but she said she was too tired to go to meeting. I went to Noa's and we walked to Ginny's together. On the way Noa asked if I could keep a secret and I said "yes". She said "I'm so tired of Karin! She's always talking about herself and acting so superior!" I told Noa that the rest of the girls were complaining too. When we got to meeting the girls all started talking about Karin and that's the way the whole evening was spent. Not being catty just discussing here. They want something to be done to make Karin realize we aren't just an audience for her!